Brooklyn volunteer firefighters and EMTs answer our 911 calls. They stay up to date with state training requirements, train new volunteers, maintain the vehicles and equipment and perform countless reporting requirements. Although they receive some compensation, it is a tiny fraction of the value of their work. FRIENDS of Fire and EMS was formed because we believe the community should support these volunteers by helping with non-emergency activities. Friends is made up of local volunteers donating their time assisting the Fire and EMS members during fundraising events and any other department event as requested. Another way Friends helps out is by monitoring the Bills food receipts drop box and organizing a “Rescue Kids” youth program. We are always looking for new ideas of ways we can help support these dedicated Fire and EMS members. If you would be interested in becoming a member of Friends of Fire and EMS contact us today.
Bills Food Receipts
Bills Food Center receipt drop box is located right in front of the Fire & EMS station. When you bring your Bills food receipts and drop them into the box they are then collected. Once they are submitted to Bills, they then donate a percentage back to us.

Rescue Kids
Rescue Kids was started by Dale Schulz. When he was teaching in Brooklyn Elementary it was known as BAT. Since then, he has partnered with the Fire & EMS to continue this as Rescue Kids. Rescue Kids is a class that provides kids with the skills needed in an emergency situation. Skills include how to make a 911 call, what to do if someone is choking, fire safety and other general first aid information. In addition, kids learn to prepare supplies and pack a supply bag to use incase of emergencies. This class is offered to 4th and 5th graders.